Manuel Pelágio

US Report – Coaching the C Suite – 15 Visionaries Shaping Tomorrow´s Leaders

My own personal and professional development journey drove my decision to support Executives to leverage their natural talents and develop their skills and competencies.

 It all started at the age of 18 when I left Portugal for Latin America, seeking new horizons and inspiring experiences. It was the beginning of an intense global learning experience which I still embrace today.

 Working and studying simultaneously, I graduated in Business Management from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica (Porto Alegre, Brazil). Passionate for learning, I later completed an EMBA at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal), I graduated in Marketing from Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (Lisbon, Portugal) and I attended the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School (Boston, USA). 

 Throughout 25 years, I was an Entrepreneur and an Executive performing different top management roles in diverse sectors, ranging from Co-Founder and CEO of an IT solutions company to Corporate Director and CIO of a conglomerate operating in real estate, hotels & resorts and renewal energy & environmental sustainability. During those years, I faced various challenges, including business strategy definition, product innovation, IT systems integration and process optimization.

 Over the past 10 years, I have been an Entrepreneur focused on Executive Development (especially Leadership).  As a Trainer and Coach, I have supported Executives to succeed in new roles, new geographies, growth/transformation processes and people challenges. Typically, I work with Executives in self-knowledge/self-awareness, purpose & value definition and leadership style/skills development.  

My great passion has always been People and so most recently, in 2014, I started the company REVOLUTIONS for a Better World SL based in Barcelona with an office in Lisbon, where I dedicate myself to developing new learning methodologies and creating new training projects in the behavioural and leadership areas.

In my free time, I love to learn, travel, dance, read, write and talk. These hobbies enable me to continue growing and expanding my world.
Now that you know a little about me, contact me if you are looking for a passionate and multi-faceted Executive Trainer or Coach with deep entrepreneurial, corporate and leadership experience.
