

We have developed for executives, but also for first-line directors, 7 leadership workshops. 

Each executive’s personal and professional development process in leadership requires time, resilience and consistency in his or her steps. New leadership habits require pace, experimentation and time for a change. 

That’s why we created for executives a set of integrated and complementary training courses that are fully specialized in Leadership. 

Leadership specialization requires 7 levels of sequential deepening.

It is possible only to do some workshops, but it will not be such an in-depth process. However, Level 1 registration is required. For example; to do level 6, you will need to do 1 and 6.

We believe that only through time and experience is it possible to integrate new individual and organizational realities. And we finally believe that only through the experience of living and working in groups, in teams and society is it possible to integrate the knowledge obtained.

Learning is done through experimentation, reflection, sharing and individual transformation in a social context. I have done this transformation after 25 years of working as an executive. That’s why I’m ready to help you be a leadership expert.

 Level 1 – POSITIVE LEADERS – Leadership with Meaning and Purpose

Development of Leaders in Positive Organizations, through collaborative models and a humanistic and positive approach ……See More

 Level 2 – SELF KNOWLEDGE – Leader Self-awareness

We don’t need titles to be leaders. Leading is a way of being, an attitude, a presence …. See More

 Level 3 – BUILDING BRIDGES – Dialogue and Communication Skills

This innovative training aims to provide leaders with the know-how to build interpersonal relationships of growth, integrity, resilience and team spirit with their employees and customers. Within organizations and based on innovative approaches to communication and interpersonal relationships, this training aims to …..

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Level 4 – CREATIVITY – Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This training aims to help executives overcome all the forces that stand in the way of true innovation and inspiration. The current competitive environment ……

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Level 5 – THE ART OF TEAMING – High-Performance Teams

Experience shows us that bringing together a pool of talented professionals around a brand or space, physical or virtual, is not enough today to create a successful business. The market….

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Level 6 – BRAINS OF LEADERSHIP – Psychodynamics

Behind all human behaviors are motivations and reasons normally unknown to most executives. The reasons of the subconscious mind prevail and the unconscious is usually the great master of leadership behaviors. Behind…..

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Level 7 – REVOLUTIONS –  Rethinking Organizational and Leadership Models

As technologies and human consciousness evolve, we have seen over the last two centuries the evolution of organizational structures. And all over the world are watching …..

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Each workshop lasts 12 hours, 1,5 days. They are given at intervals of 2 months between them. It is an intense, transformative process, but certain in its effectiveness. There is a lot to do during reflection periods between workshops. All workshops have ratings above 80%, and some even 95%. They have a practical component of about 95%.

The dynamics during sessions are centered around; debates, sharing, individual and group exercises, learning games, dynamics of knowledge creation through movements of body expression and creative ability and personal innovation. Forming new leaders requires personal transformation. The high satisfaction of the trainees is related to the creative and innovative way the workshops are organized, as well as the high spirit of the group created during the training.


The values ​​will be presented directly to each company.


There is a process of selection and acceptance of registration to ensure that the executive is in a position to make the most of the workshops.

For more information (email contact)

Telephone – +351 91 945 2033
Email – manuel.pelagio@gmail.com
Skype – manuelpelagiopt
Linkedin – https://pt.linkedin.com/in/manuelpelagio
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/inspiringpeopletochange/