5. THE ART OF TEAMING – High Performance Teams…

Does everyone push to the same side?

The Art of Teaming workshop is designed for a new organizational, social and economic reality. Today there is no time, no money, for Team Building.

The current slogan is to develop Teaming actions, the individual ability to “make” the team daily, at all times of the day. Occasional events do not create personal change. They are ineffective in creating new positive behavior dynamics with a prolonged effect. Experience shows that bringing together a pool of talented professionals around a brand or space, physical or virtual, is not enough to create a successful business. 

The market has become very competitive requiring the help of all the professionals in the organization and the team. It takes everyone to think and do better. 

Organizations are not always the example of collaborative spaces. Individualism reigns and egos regularly take charge of communication and interpersonal relationships. When the mismatch happens everyone loses.

How we do “Teaming”?
  • By developing a set of collaborative skills that enable everyone to trust themselves and others. 
  • Be clearer, more transparent and honest in your expressiveness, allowing you to talk about yourself in a safe environment. 
  • Develop skills to feel and manage emotions as well as conflict situations without a loss of satisfaction and personal motivation. 
  • Be positive and creative in ideas and actively listen to colleagues to leverage the best of each team member, giving room to innovation. Teamwork is an art. 
  • And like all the noblest arts, it depends entirely on the human potential that can be developed in people.

In this workshop among other points, we look at themes such as

  • The art of making a group a team,
  • The functioning of the teams and their systemic dysfunctions,
  • The danger associated with group thinking,
  • Knowledge of each one’s role in the team and their contributions to the team,
  • Leadership styles and emotional dimensions within the team,
  • Mental profile and behavioral style appropriate to team leadership, 
  • Development of positive relationship patterns,
  • Self-awareness of our relationship form
  • Understanding of behavioral psychodynamics of team members and
  • Understanding the mechanisms of resistance to change and motivation to achieve more ambitious goals.

Training has clear objectives of personal transformation through: self-awareness, eminently practical orientation, around 85%, through individual and group exercises, movement and interrelation dynamics, debates and roleplays...



  • Teamwork is a fundamental and crucial element in the efficiency of organizations.
  • The ability to work well in teams is a great challenge and differentiating element of high-income, high-welfare organizations.
  • The individual being versus the social being, in the paradoxical dynamic of living and working as a team.

HARMONIC TEAMS – “One for All, All for One”.

Are you part of a team or simply belong to a “group” of people?

Building a team is an art. Only available to the best leaders in creating an effective Purpose, Identity, and Leadership in an organization or team? Being aware of the dimensions and dynamics of dysfunctional groups becomes critical to team success

TEAMING – One Being, One Attitude, One Word.

A new organizational “Mindset” of continuous empowerment of the positive and collaborative spirit of a team. Knowing Asking to Know, Knowing Sharing to Understand, Knowing Exposing Yourself to Be Trusted, Knowing Understanding to Collaborate, Knowing Recognizing Others to Accept. Know Being.


BEHAVIORAL DYNAMICS – “If Looks See, If You See”.

To know people well, we must see what the eyes do not show. Observe the dynamics of personal behavior proves to be a great source of information. Observing and Flexibilizing becomes indispensable to the Rhythm, Synchronism, Tuning, Visibility, Positioning of team interpersonal relationship and the Leadership Power of each one.

LEARN TO LEARN – Knowledge Blindness.

Knowledge Learning Cycle. Mental, intellectual and rational errors. Learning through us and Others. Positive feedback. Team development techniques, Group Coaching. Am I able to learn?

THE SECRET LIFE OF TEAMS – Systemic Invisibility.

Teams have a life of their own, independent of the “life” of their members. In the organization and the team, there are interpersonal forces that operate at various levels that influence and determine group dynamics. The perception of individual needs, team, and tasks at each stage of group development is fundamental to understanding what is not said but needs to be observed and taken care of.


RELATIONAL PSYCHODYNAMICS – Understanding the invisible.

To understand how interpersonal relationships work, one must understand the invisible dynamics of the psyche during relationships. Such as Transfer, Counter transfer, Denial, Projection, Identification and Dissociation, Fixation, Obsession, Compensation, Mirroring and Idealization.

INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS – Affective and Effective Relations.

Dimensions of personal leadership in developing positive relationships. Relational patterns of attachment and separation in dysfunctional relationship dynamics.

ANATOMY OF RELATIONSHIPS – From Conflict to Engagement.

Recognize patterns of non-productive relationships by creating and analyzing investment matrices. Life Stages and Relationship Cycles.

“THE INNER THEATER” – The “Rationality” of the Unconscious.

Meaning and motivations behind “rational” behaviors. Overcoming Mental Models and Structural Conflicts. Importance of Emotional Tension in an Innovative and Creative Organization.


ORGANIZATIONS XXI – Networking and Collaboration

Communications Laterality and Relations Interdependence in the development of collaborative teams through the influencing power of the new team leaders.

LEADERSHIP XXI – Power and Effectiveness.

Leadership models that enhance talent and teamwork.

PERFORMANCE XXI – The Ambidextrous Culture.

Lead change in an ambidextrous organizational culture. A creative, innovative, efficient and precise culture in its processes and goals. Managing team efficiency and effectiveness over time. Chaos and Order in an innovative group philosophy that enhances human talent.

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